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Instructions on how to use the Cell Realignment Machine
Always wear the regular Immortality Rings during healing with the machine. The Neodymium rings could be too strong for this process. So wear the regular Immortality Rings that contain ferrite magnets.
This machine uses only 0.04 watts. The adaptor for this machine uses more electricity than the machine itself. So this machine is perfectly safe if it is placed on the bed. It must be placed near the injury or the diseased area. Let the machine stand up like a tower by attaching the piece of plastic to its side with the velcro fabric.
You can sleep with this machine the entire night. And always remember to put on the Immortality Rings. Without the rings, the machine probably won't work well. Or you can heal yourself with this machine for an hour or 2 each night and then just unplug the machine to turn it off.
The machine does not have a LED light, nor does it make any noise. When
its plugged in, it is fully functional. We did not add a light indicator because you
are sleeping with this. Adding a light indicator would simply make this machine
This is the front end of the machine. The front end has the capacitors and the handle bar.
Do not remove the cardboard tunnel that covers the capacitors. If you remove that cardboard tunnel, the machine will not work anymore. That cardboard tunnel is a part of this machine. We glued it to the plastic body. Don't touch.
And a piece of plastic board is provided so you can attach it to one side of the machine with velcro fabric so that the machine can stand up on one side like a tower.
This is the first healing method. This is great for healing injury that has open wound or 'fresh injury', meaning you just got injured. (For example, a day after you got an asthma attack. Or right after you had a seizure. Your throat is cracked up or your brain is fried. Or you just got a fever, and you have headache. Then use this healing method.)
This method is also great for healing hard to heal old injuries like eye damage, brain damage, or old bone fracture. This is also great for healing scars.
Plug in the 9v adaptor. Place the machine 24 inches away from your flesh. It could be 24 inches away from your head, 24 inches away from chest, or 24 inches away from your legs, etc. The front end of the machine faces the headboard of the bed. The side of the machine faces your body.
Or you can place the machine on a wooden nightstand or on plastic stool. But the surface of the nightstand must level to the surface of your bed.
You have to feel the power of the machine like trying to feel the car's transmission with the clutch pedal. Move the machine away if too much power. Bring the machine closer if not enough power. When you feel a river of energy traveling in your flesh, that's it! That's the spot you place the machine.
You can feel it when your hormone is running out.
When your hormone is running low, the healing will slow down. Then eventually the healing comes to a halt. That's the time to shut off the machine or pull it closer toward you. The hormone runs out about 1 hour into the healing? Healing is always better at night after your body produced enough hormone for a whole day. Do not expect a good healing if you wake up at 8 AM and go back to bed at noon. Your body did not produce enough hormone in just 4 hours.
After 1 hour of healing, your body will run out of hormone. Without the hormone, the healing will stop, and you have to turn off the machine by unplugging it. . If you leave the machine 24 inches away from your flesh after your hormone ran out, the machine will start cooking your flesh. So without hormone, its like cooking the pot without water inside. That's why if you leave the machine 24 inches away from your throat the whole night, you could get an asthma attack. It starts to burn your throat, and you will have inflammation. So when you feel the healing session is done, just shut off the machine. If you leave the machine 24 inches away from your head the entire night, it will give you anxiety attack, insomnia, and you will feel cold. Or you stay awake and cannot fall asleep with the machine turned on all night.
Therefore, always shut off the machine after 30 minutes to 1 hour of healing by unplugging it. Or bring the machine closer to your head, like 10 inches away from your head, and continue sleeping with the machine right beside your head throughout the entire night.
If you want to leave the machine 24 inches away from you throughout the entire night, then you should buy a repeat cycle timer to prevent overheating. Please scroll down this page to find info on this timer. Not everyone has this overheating issue! So some people never require a timer.
This is the 2nd healing method. Use this method if you try to prevent
your wounds from opening back up or to heal old injury.
This healing method is used by somebody who has inflammation issues
like asthma or arthritis who cannot place machine far away because placing machine far
away can overheat the injury.
Drink some Matcha tea during the day. Matcha tea is easy to make. Just dump 1
teaspoon of Matcha powder into 3 to 4 cups of boiling water. Mix with a spoon. Don't have
time for tea? Then swallow a quarter or half teaspoon of Matcha powder 3 hours
before bed. Then at night, place machine 8 inches beside your injury. The injury
will start to heal up very quickly. The injury could be an eye damage, ear damage, spinal
cord injury, busted knee cap, huge scar on your skin,handicap, etc. You can feel serious
healing night after night. Any brand of Matcha tea powder will work. For some
reason, Matcha healing does not work well if you place machine far away. And Matcha
healing is safer than using ultrasound because it has absolutely no side effect. If
you have asthma and are allergic to Matcha, then use ultrasound speaker to cure your
asthma first. Then when your asthma is cured, drink Matcha tea. Matcha is
antioxidant which can repair damaged cells or kill cancer cells. But it only works
when there is high pressure. This is why Matcha does not work well when the machine
is placed far away. But when the machine is near, the pressure is high enough to
make the antioxidant of Matcha work. This is why if you got cancer, and you start
drinking Matcha tea. No, it still cannot cure your cancer. That is because
there is no high pressure of chi flow which enables the antioxidant to work. But
when the machine is placed 8 inches from your cancer area, the cancer might be cured.
The difference between 10 inches away and 24 inches away
The electron belt is the most powerful when the machine is 24 inches away from your flesh. The belt grows weaker as you push the machine away or pull it closer toward you. When machine is placed at 8 inches away, the electron belt is slower. But the pressure per square inch is higher. This means more electrons are pressing against your flesh at just 8 inches away. For more info on how far to place the machine, read this page.
When the machine is at 24 inches away, the electron belt travels faster. Faster electron belt means more cell realignment, more healing. But healing also comes with inflammation. This is why if you place the machine 24 inches away the entire night, you might need to add a repeat cycle timer just to prevent overheating. When the machine is 24 inches away, its using the biggest gear that turns really fast. When machine is at 10 inches away, you are using a small gear that turns slowly to slow down your own Chi flow. But this slow chi flow produced at 8 inches away has a lot more pressure per square inch. This smaller gear is slow. But it is very steady and has more torque than the bigger gear. So you can feel that the machine is regulating your inflammation when the machine is 8 inches away from your flesh. You can feel that it is squeezing your inflammation to regulate it so it does not burst and turn into an open wound. Sometimes, an asthma patient or a person who has epilepsy (seizures) can feel that they are about to get an asthma attack or about to get a seizure. Then that time, you should place machine at 8 inches away from your head to use the high pressure to regulate the injury so it does not burst into an open wound. But if you already got the asthma attack, then you have to push the machine away to 24 inches so that it uses a stronger electron belt but smaller pressure to heal the wound. If you place the machine at just 8 inches away, there is too much pressure. Too much pressure can cause the wound to open back up.
When to place machine 24 inches away? When to place machine 8 inches away?
When there is an open wound, you get faster healing by placing the machine 24 inches away. That's because if the machine is too near the open wound, the machine releases too much pressure on the wound. And the wound will open back up due to the pressure. But when you feel that an asthma attack is coming. What I mean is, if you feel that the wound in your throat is about to crack open again. Then sleep with the machine just 8 inches away from you head. The high pressure of the machine will force the throat to hold together and will not allow the wound to open back up.
Once you have successfully closed up the wound by placing the machine at 24 inches away, then its time for you to bring the machine closer to your flesh, at about 8 inches away. Then drink some Matcha tea during the day and heal with machine at 8 inches away at night. Then your injury will heal even further.
Question: How come if you place machine at 8 inches away, it can prevent your existing inflammation from bursting up into an open wound? Answer: When machine is placed at 8 inches away, the electron belt is so slow that it actually slows down your chi flow. You have inflammation because there is virus or germ attacking your injury. Your body is fighting the germs by sending more healing hormone to the injury. So your chi flow also increased causing inflammation. The machine will slow down your chi flow preventing more inflammation. So if you already show sign of an asthma attack, place machine at 8 inches away to prevent further inflammation. If at that moment, you shut off the machine or you place machine at 24 inches away, you will certainly have a full blown asthma attack. See, the immune system is not smart nor perfect. Sometimes, its the inflammation that kills the patient. There is germ inside your lung. and your immune system is fighting that germ causing inflammation. But its the inflammation of your lung that prevents you from breathing. And sometimes, inflammation could kill. So the Cell Realignment machine can be used to slow down the Chi flow. Basically the machine is telling your body to heal a little bit slower so there will be less inflammation. For more info on how far to place the machine, read this page.
Which method is better? 24 inches away or 8 inches away?
Generally speaking, if you place machine at 8 inches away, and the pressure from the electron belt hurts your injury, this means your injury is a fresh injury. There is still open wound. So you need to push the machine to 24 inches away.
I have to say placing machine 24 inches away is the best. It heals all sorts of hard to heal old injuries like eye or ear damage, and old bone fractures.
If I were you, I would heal with machine at 24 inches away for 30 minutes to 1 hour each night. Then shut it off or pull it closer toward my head. (I sleep with machine 8 inches away from my head the whole night because I have asthma.)
You have to move the machine around in order to make the healing continue if healing stops.
Lets say you place machine at 24 inches away, the healing lasted for 3 days. Then the healing stopped. Then you have to move the machine closer toward your flesh at around 18 inches away. Then the healing will suddenly come back and continue for another 2 or 3 days. Then when healing stopped, you have to push the machine to 24 inches away again.
This is how you supercharge the machine by just tilting it. I also noticed that if you turn the front end of the machine 20 or 25 degree toward your body, the healing increases like almost 2 or 3 times stronger. If you turn the machine 45 degrees, the machine can heal even the most severe injury.
After, Healing is a lot stronger for some reason. (The front end of the machine got capacitors and handle bar.)
The front end of the machine serves as a vacuum because it is negatively charged and collects electrons from your body. The back end of the machine shoots out electrons which enter your body. This is why if you tilt the front end just 20 degree toward your body, the machine can collect more electrons from your body. But if you tilt it too much, the back end will point away from your body and won't be able to shoot electrons into your body anymore. This is why a 20 to 25 degree tilt is perfect. You can tilt it all the way to 45 degrees. But be careful at 45 degree because the power would be too strong for injuries that have inflammation issue. So at 45 degree, you heal the fastest. but if you have inflammation, the 45 degree tilt will overheat your inflammation and make it worse.
If you try to heal your stomach, your legs, or your feet, keep in mind that a very thick winter quilt could block the electron energy from the machine. So maybe its better if you turn on the heater and just put on a thinner quilt or even a summer blanket.
This is the Spartan
Series Repeat Cycle timer. It has 2 dials. One controls how many minutes
to turn on, and the other dial controls how many minutes to shut off. Buy this one.
This one is dependable. On Ebay they also sell another brand called BN-LINK Short Period Repeat Cycle Timer.. Do not buy that one. That one was a piece of junk. The dial timing was all wrong! Stay away from that one. Some people prefer to place the machine at 24 inches away the entire night to generate more healing. So this repeat cycle timer needs to be added to prevent overheating. Use this timer when you place the Cell Realignment machine 24 inches away. I recommend you to set the dials to 2 minutes ON and 2 minutes OFF. This can prevent machine from overheating the injury. If you feel placing machine 24 inches away does not overheat your flesh, then get rid of the timer, or set timer to maybe 5 minutes ON and 2 minutes OFF.
Most users don't need to buy this timer. This timer is only for serious enthusiasts. |
Updated December 8th, 2022. I discovered that by taping a diode (IN4733 5.1 volt) to your flesh, you can increase the Chi energy to that area and thus cure the disease you have in that area. For example, tape a diode at the cheek with negative facing up, you can cure your eye injury. You will feel the blood pumping to the eye within 5 minutes. Do this each night and your eye could be healed in a month. Why does this work? Its because the diode will draw energy from the flesh at its negative port and spew energy out back to your flesh at the positive port. This creates a circulation which forces cells near the negative port to realign themselves. But I got a small asthma attack when I taped a diode to my right cheek. That is because the energy is spewing out of the positive post, and the energy travels directly into my throat. Too much energy causes inflamation in my throat. Thus this gave me a small asthma attack, which caused me to cough in the night. So I suggest you to heal your throat first by taping a diode at the bottom of your neck with negative post facing upward. The diode should be taped either on the risht side or on the left side. Do not stick the diode right at the center of your chest. Heal your asthma first before taping a diode on the cheek to heal your eye.
If you got a serious asthma attack, or for any reason have extreme
difficulty breathing, place machine near your back. Let the front
end of the machine point to the feet of the bed. So the machine is like 1 or 2 inches away from your spine. The front end of the machine is 4 inches below your armpit. Again, the front end
of the machine has the 3 capacitors. Then you will instantly feel that your
bronchial air way is opening up. Sleep like this the entire night. No
timer is needed. The machine is pumping electrons into your bronchial tube to prop it up and keep it open. You can cover up the machine and your body with
blanket or quilt in order to keep warm.
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Remember. Healing injury with this machine is sort of like trying to
scrub dirt out of your carpet. If the dirt is too deep and you can't easily scrub out the dirt, you have to scrub it in different directions. For example, sideways, up and down, circular motion, etc. So if the injury is too deep and you can't seem to heal it very easily, you need to get creative. Place the machine at the left side of your flesh one day. Then place the machine at the right side the next day. This should quicken the healing process a little. |
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