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Here I listed a few ways to cure your disease using the rings and the machine.
Covid 19 Coronavirus
Watch this video to see how the machine fought off virus that attacks my thyroid gland
This Covid 19 virus will attack different parts of your body at separate periods. Usually, it attacks the throat first. Then, a week later, it attacks your lungs. You will also feel other symptoms in between. Disclaimer: This is not a cure to Covid 19. This is simply ways to help you feel better during self recovery. You know what I mean. I say this to protect myself from FDA.
If Covid 19 attacks your throat (sore throat). I realized that this Covid19 virus will attack different parts of your body. And the garbage they produce will overflow your thyroid gland causing your thyroid gland to overheat. And when your thyroid gland overheats, it will be injured. You will feel a sore throat. The thyroid gland is the filter of your body. It helps you clean up garbage. So when your thyroid gland fails, this virus will then overwhelmingly invade most of your organs. This virus is composed of 1 SARS virus and 4 HIV virus. And HIV virus is known to attack your thyroid gland causing it to fail. So use this machine to repair your thyroid gland the moment you felt the attack. If your thyroid gland fails, your life could be in danger. Then the next thing you will get is pneumonia or a heart attack. If you wake up suddenly with difficulty breathing, place machine 5 to 8 inches beside your head with front end of machine facing the headboard of the bed. Don't add a timer. Sleep until morning. The machine will prevent inflammation in your lung or in your throat.
Instructions: Place machine 24 inches away from your throat. Add a timer. Set timer to 2 minutes ON and 2 minutes OFF. Heal your throat the entire night for 2 or 3 nights or until healed. If you don't have a timer, then just sleep like this for 30 minutes to an hour. Then shut off the machine or pull it closer toward your head and sleep with machine 8 inches beside your head the entire night.
If Covid 19 attacks your lung, place machine 5 inches away from your head and sleep until morning. You should be able to breath close to normal as long as the machine is right beside your head. Sleep until morning. Do not add a timer. Once the virus failed to conquer your lung, they should stop attacking because your lung tissue should become immuned to it. Word of caution. You must place machine 5 inches beside your head the moment you felt the virus attack. If you already have been suffering from inflammation of the lung and have difficulty breathing, then scroll down this page to see how to make you breath better. If the machine does not help, call your doctor.
If Covid 19 attacks your heart, also place machine 5 inches beside your head. The high pressure of the machine will slow down the heart rate instantly preventing a cardiac arrest.
Fever or headache
Place machine 24 inches away. Set timer to 1 minutes ON and 1 minutes OFF. Sleep until headache is gone or until you feel the electron belt from the machine is overheating your flesh. Pull machine closer toward your head and get rid of the timer. Sleep until morning.
Hair loss
You don't need the Cell Realignment machine to regrow hair. Just wear the immortality rings every night and eat at least half cup of chopped, raw red cabbage everyday. Your hair will grow out instantly. The red cabbage has purple color and is slightly more expensive than regular cabbage. Must eat it raw. Can add salad dressing.
Heal flat face, broad cheek & jaw bone. Heal ugliness. Heal big nose or thick lips.
Wear the rings and use the machine every night. Place machine 24 inches away from your head. Eventually, your cheek bone and your facial structure will become more symmetrical. Or place machine 8 inches away from your head and drink matcha tea during the day. Matcha tea can also help you realign cell structure. Any brand of matcha tea is good.
Small and swollen eyes
Most Asians face this problem. Asian eyes are genetically plagued with inflammation. So in order to reduce inflammation of your eye lid, stop eating fermented vegetables like Kimchi or Tsukemono. Koreans have the smallest eyes because they are hooked on Kimchi. Do not eat Chinese fermented Tofu or fermented cucumber. Do not eat sausages or bacon. The British have smaller eyes than the Americans because they eat more cured meat like bacon or sausages. Then withint a few weeks, your eyes will become bigger and rounder. Avoid foods that induce inflammation.
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Cure stomach ulcer or weak intestine (food allergy)
Use ultrasounic fog maker. Place it 1 or 2 feet away from your stomach. Turn it on for 1 minute. Then shut it off. Place machine 24 inches away from stomach and use a timer. Set timer to 2 minutes On and 2 minutes OFF. Ulcer will disappear. The ultrasound kills the bacteria that lives in your ulcer which prevents the ulcer from healing up. After you killed the bacteria, the cell machine can heal it back up. You can also place machine 8 inches away and drink Matcha in the afternoon.
Cure a flu
When you catch a cold, the virus is attacking your nasal cavity. So there is small open wounds inside your nasal cavity. Place machine 24 inches away to heal up the injury. Set the timer to 3 minutes ON and 1 minutes OFF. And also the virus is afraid of the electron belt from 24 inches away. To the virus, the electron belt is sort of like the Earth's Van Allen belt. Its strong enough to kill the virus. The flu should be cured in 1 night.
Damaged eye, ear, brain tissue, spinal cord injury. Handicap, etc.
Drink matcha tea during the day. Then at night, place machine 5 inches away from injury. The injury will heal up quickly. The matcha tea could be any brand. You can also use ultrasound like once every few days to kill bacteria that lives inside your injury. Killing bacteria in your injury can speed up the healing. This might even cure cancer.
Here I will list a few of my theories of how to cure some diseases that are hard to cure. These are just theories and are not proven to work.
Healing arthritis or multiple sclerosis
If there is inflammation, place machine 24 inches away and heal like that every night. Add a timer and set it to 2 minutes ON and 2 minutes off. Use it whole night. If no inflammation, place machine 8 inches away and drink Matcha during the day. If the machine is too close to the injury, the high pressure of the electron belt will split the wound open and inflammation could increase. This is why if you have open wound or lots of inflammation, its safer to place machine far away and use a timer.
Place machine 24 inches away from your flesh. And eat the foods that don't cause your body to blow up. Click here to see which foods to avoid and to eat. Keep an eye on your weight each day. If you are losing weight, then you are on the right track. Remember to avoid foods that causes inflammation because I suspect your skin tissue is allergic to those type of foods. In order to get rid of the food allergy which causes your skin tissue to blow up, use ultrasonic speaker.
Cancer or tumor
Put the ultrasonic speaker inside a glass jar or a glass bowl. Place that glass jar, which has the ultrasonic speaker inside, on top of your flesh. Of course, with the open end of the jar facing your flesh. Turn on the ultrasound for a few minute so it can shake up your tumor or cancer cells. The glass jar might amplify the ultrasound to make it more powerful. Then heal up the injury with Cell Realignment machine and drink Matcha.
This machine produces so much chi energy that it can alter the bone structure of your face making you more and more superior by the day. And you will become prettier as you become more superior. So at the end, every race will look similar. In the future, everybody will look similar but with a different skin color.
Your face will gradually become more symmetrical as your personality improves. This is why men love pretty girls and women adore handsome guys.
Before using the machine: |
6 months later: |
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Before 1 or 2 years later |
Remember that the FDA big brother is watching me. A person like me will never get an FDA approval because I don't have 24 million dollars to spend on an extensive medical trial that's required by the FDA for an approval. The FDA extensive medical trial will also take like 10 years to accomplish. I am not a very patient person. I cannot afford to wait 10 years. So I am patenting this technology now and sell it right now as my patent is still pending. Since there is no FDA approval, I basically cannot say the words like 'treat' or 'cure' or 'improve your condition'.
But this is basically what I want to say: Imagine if somebody can one day invent a machine that can slowly eliminate all scars and all injuries. Doesn't matter if the scar is in your spinal cord or in your kidney. As long as the patient uses a machine every night, the scar would slowly reduce in size. And then it eventually disappears. If there is no scar nor injury, then nobody would be blind or deaf or be paralyzed.
Imagine if somebody can one day invent a machine that can stop a person from drinking and smoking instantly just by sitting beside the machine. Imagine if there is such a machine. Whenever you feel like drinking or smoking. You just grab that machine and put it beside you, and your urge for drinking or smoking is gone!
Imagine in the future if there is a newly invented machine that can take away your pain and misery with a click of a button. All you need to do is sit beside this machine. You stop coughing. Your pain in your knees disappears. You feel better. And therefore your body also heals faster. Imagine if there is such a machine!
I really don't know how this machine can help a cancer patient or somebody who has HIV or herpes. Its really up to those patients to determine the value of this machine. This machine might help them.