One day, someone asked me a question "Why do you only put magnets on the
small fingers? Why not on all fingers? You put magnets on all toes, don't you?"
My answer to him:
That's good question. When I was 19, my friend from China told me that when he was in
China, doctors used magnets to cure his nearsight by placing magnets on his ears. That got
me interested in magnets. I placed magnets all over my body trying to cure my near sight
and make me feel better ever since. (I was premature aging and unhealthy when I was 19,
which was 10 years ago.) I placed magnets all over my body including all fingers. Nothing
worked. But one day, I placed north pole on top of both small fingers. I got sick. I
sneezed and coughed at night, which kept me awake. I climbed the stairs at school, felt
like an old man because each step made my heart pound out of my chest. I have worn the
north pole on both pinkies like that for the entire week, and I was sick for the entire
I thought I will get better after awhile, but I didn't get better. I was sick for the
entire week for wearing them like that. Then I finally couldn't stand it anymore and took
them off. Then I tried switching one pinky to south leaving the other pinky north. Then I
felt rejuvenation. TREMENDOUS REJUVENATION. I further perfected it by adding magnets at
bottom of pinkies, and I suddenly felt more thorough rejuvenation. Then my wrinkles
on my forehead started to disappear. My skin tightened up. All those crazy
things started to happen to me which convinced me that this device which I have just
invented gives immortality.
This is how I found the secret to eternity. The rest of the fingers didn't work and were
not even close the the effect I got from the pinkies. Pinkies are the most sensitive
finger. maybe it's because small fingers are connected to the heart nerve.
2 years ago, I invented the foot braces. Between the invention of pinky rings and the foot
braces, I tried nearly everything I can think of: Tesla coil, inducing wiring my body
using high voltage, low amps. Electro-magnetic coils. Nothing worked as good as a pair of
rings on the pinkies except the foot braces. The foot braces worked, and they worked
better than the pinky rings.
That's my story on how I discovered immortality. It's not because I'm a super genius. I am
just lucky.